Uni Taster Tuesdays

An introduction to studying Veterinary Medicine | Uni Taster On Demand

University admissions & applications, student finance + uni study skills | Uni Taster On Demand

Access to Uni Taster Day

An introduction to studying Media Courses at University - what to expect? | Uni Taster On Demand

Introducing university courses in visual effects, games & animation | Uni Taster On Demand

Introducing the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) + why universities like it!| UniTaster Tuesdays

Making the Most of a Virtual Open Day | Uni Taster On Demand

Supercurricular reading, preparing for university, distance & blended learning| Uni Taster On Demand

Introducing studying Social Sciences at University (+ Geography & Psychology) | Uni Taster On Demand

Study Nutrition at university. What to expect, applications and career tips | Uni Taster On Demand

Supercurricular & wider reading for university + application tip for Oxbridge | Uni Taster On Demand

An introduction to studying university courses in Biology and Biosciences | Uni Taster On Demand

The benefits of university and reasons to consider university participation | UniTaster On Demand

Introducing studying Law at university inc application tips & career routes | Uni Taster On Demand

Studying Policing at university - what to expect and a short degree taster | UniTaster On Demand

An introduction to studying Medical and Mechanical engineering at University | UniTaster On Demand

An introduction to studying Engineering at University | UniTaster On Demand

How to prepare for university? Tips for students thinking about & starting uni| Uni Taster On Demand

Guide to studying Medicine at university. Inc what to expect + application tips | UniTaster OnDemand

An introduction to distance and blended learning courses at university | Uni Taster On Demand

An introduction to university degree apprenticeships - inc application tips | UniTaster On Demand

A 15 minute guide to Clearing 2020: what it is and how to prepare for it | UniTaster On Demand

Introducing Sport & Sport Science university courses (Courses + careers) | Uni Taster On Demand

Tips from universities for exam revision and how to have a positive mindset | UniTaster On Demand